

file  gprobemanager.h
 Manager for the Global Probes creation and distribution.
file  probe.h
 Base class for the all the Probes.
file  probeband.h
 Probe: Measures $\sum x / t_a$, where $t_a$ is the actual simulation time.
file  probebandslice.h
 Probe: Measures $\sum x / (t_a - t_p)$, where $t_a$ is the actual simulation time and $t_p$ is the last stat write time.
file  probehistogram.h
 Probe: Measures the histogram of the observed values, providing raw data, pdf and CDF.
file  probejitter.h
 Probe: Measures the jitter of the observed values. See the detailed description for more informations.
file  probemanager.h
 Manager for the all the Probes.
file  probemean.h
 Probe: Measures the long-term $ \overline{x} = E[x]$, $ \overline{x^2} = E^2[x^2]$ and $ \sigma^2 = E[(x-\overline{x})^2] $.
file  probeminmax.h
 Probe: Reports the minimum and the maximum of the observed values.
file  probeslice.h
 Probe: Measures the $ \overline{x} = E[x]$, $ \overline{x^2} = E^2[x^2]$ and $ \sigma^2 = E[(x-\overline{x})^2] $.


class  GlobalProbeManager
 Manager for the Global probes (see Probes) creation and distribution. More...
class  Probe
 This is an abstract class and it is not meant to be used. It only defines the public interface of all the derived probes. More...
class  ProbeBand
 Measures $\sum x / t_a$, where $t_a$ is the actual simulation time. More...
class  ProbeBandSlice
 Measures $\sum x / (t_a - t_p)$, where $t_a$ is the actual simulation time and $t_p$ is the last stat write time. More...
class  ProbeHistogram
 Measures the histogram of the observed values, providing raw data, pdf and CDF. More...
class  ProbeJitter
 Measures the jitter of the observed values. More...
class  ProbeMean
 Measures the long-term $ \overline{x} = E[x]$, $ \overline{x^2} = E^2[x^2]$ and $ \sigma^2 = E[(x-\overline{x})^2] $. More...
class  ProbeMinMax
 Reports the minimum and the maximum of the observed values. More...
class  ProbeSlice
 Measures the $ \overline{x} = E[x]$, $ \overline{x^2} = E^2[x^2]$ and $ \sigma^2 = E[(x-\overline{x})^2] $. More...

Detailed Description

A probe is NePSing way to observe a variable evolution over time.

NePSing probes are all designed to be consistent, as is they are all used in the same way.

The constructor of the probe defines the name of the probe, that will be the same of the file where the probe will write its data. An exception to this is when there are multiple probles with the same name, 'global' probes or a simulation is launched with multiple runs.

When multiple probes with the same name are found in a simulation, each additional probe will write to a file with a progressive number added, ex.: fooProbe, fooProbe#1, fooProbe#2, etc.

Conversely, on a simulation only one 'global' probe will exist, and the name will be the name of the probe preceded by a "G_", ex.: G_fooProbe. Please note that 'global' probes are defined via the GlobalProbeManager interface.

When a simulation have multiple runs, each probe will have a "m_" prepended and a number appended; hence, fooProbe and G_fooProbe for the first run, m_fooProbe1 and G_m_fooProbe1 for the second run, and so on.

Note that stats are written peridically by NePSing via the WriteToFile function, and unless otherwise stated, each probe appends its data to its output file.

Since all probes are consistent with the base class Probe, please refer to its documentation about the common interface.

Member functions with the [internal] tag are designed to be used internally by the probe itself, but can be wisely called when needed.

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