NePSing Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
BitmaskParameterBitmaskParameter parameter type
DEDebugClass used to print debugging messages during the simulation
DEDeviceBase class of each device of the simulation
DEEventDescribes each single event in the simulation
DEHistogramMeasures the histogram of the values provided via AddValue(), providing raw data, pdf and CDF
DESystemMain container class for the simulation environment class
DETimeTime structure definition and associated methods
DETimeParameterDETime parameter type
DoubleParameterDouble number parameter type
EnumParameterEnumeration parameter type
ExponentialDETimeRndGenExponential DETime random generator
ExponentialRndGenExponential random generator
GaussianRndGenGaussian random generator
GenericParameterBase class for all the parameter types
Geometric0RndGenGeometric random generator
Geometric1RndGenGeometric random generator
GlobalProbeManagerManager for the Global probes (see Probes) creation and distribution
IntParameterInteger number parameter type
ParamManagerThis class manages all the parameters of a simulation
ParetoRndGenPareto random generator
ProbeThis is an abstract class and it is not meant to be used. It only defines the public interface of all the derived probes
ProbeBandMeasures $\sum x / t_a$, where $t_a$ is the actual simulation time
ProbeBandSliceMeasures $\sum x / (t_a - t_p)$, where $t_a$ is the actual simulation time and $t_p$ is the last stat write time
ProbeHistogramMeasures the histogram of the observed values, providing raw data, pdf and CDF
ProbeJitterMeasures the jitter of the observed values
ProbeMeanMeasures the long-term $ \overline{x} = E[x]$, $ \overline{x^2} = E^2[x^2]$ and $ \sigma^2 = E[(x-\overline{x})^2] $
ProbeMinMaxReports the minimum and the maximum of the observed values
ProbeSliceMeasures the $ \overline{x} = E[x]$, $ \overline{x^2} = E^2[x^2]$ and $ \sigma^2 = E[(x-\overline{x})^2] $
RayleighRndGenRayleigh random generator
StringParameterString parameter type
UniformDETimeRndGenUniform DETime random generator
UniformDoubleRndGenUniform double random generator
UniformIntRndGenUniform long int random generator
WeibullRndGenWeibull random generator

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