ProbeJitter Class Reference

Measures the jitter of the observed values. More...

#include <probejitter.h>

Inherits Probe.

Inheritance diagram for ProbeJitter:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for ProbeJitter:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void Reset (void)
 [internal] Reset the probe, clearing all its internal counters and starting a new output file.
virtual void Zap (double)
 [internal] Reset the probe, clearing all its internal counters. The meaning of the parameter is probe-dependant.
virtual void Observe (double value)
 Observe a value, actual use of the value is probe-dependant.
virtual void WriteToFile (double time)
 [internal] Write the probe statistics to the output file. It is called periodically by NePSing.

Detailed Description

Measures the jitter of the observed values.

Defined $y_i = x_i - x_{i-1}$, where $x_i$ is the current observed value and $x_{i-1}$ is the last observed value, this probe measures the long-term $StDev\{y\}$, $\overline{y} = E[y]$, $\overline{y^2} = E^2[y^2]$ and $\sigma^2 = E[(y-\overline{y})^2]$

output file format:

[Time of the observation] TAB $StDev\{y\}$ TAB $\overline{y}$ TAB $\overline{y^2}$ TAB $\sigma^2$

Note that this probe cannot be global, as it have a memory and it could not work in a global fashon. In case you need a global jitter measure, use a global ProbeMean with a per-intance memory.

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