ProbeBandSlice Class Reference

Measures $\sum x / (t_a - t_p)$, where $t_a$ is the actual simulation time and $t_p$ is the last stat write time. More...

#include <probebandslice.h>

Inherits Probe.

Inheritance diagram for ProbeBandSlice:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for ProbeBandSlice:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void Reset (void)
 [internal] Reset the probe, clearing all its internal counters and starting a new output file.
virtual void Zap (double time)
 [internal] Reset the probe, clearing all its internal counters. The meaning of the parameter is probe-dependant.
virtual void Observe (double value)
 Observe a value, actual use of the value is probe-dependant.
virtual void WriteToFile (double time)
 [internal] Write the probe statistics to the output file. It is called periodically by NePSing.

Detailed Description

Measures $\sum x / (t_a - t_p)$, where $t_a$ is the actual simulation time and $t_p$ is the last stat write time.

Reports the sum of the observed values over the observation time.

It works like ProbeBand, but the internals of this probe type are set to zero after each WriteToFile and the observation time is the time between two consecutive WriteToFile.

output file format:

[Time of the observation] TAB $\sum x / (t_a - t_p)$

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