probemanager.h File Reference

Manager for the all the Probes. More...

#include <string>
#include "detime.h"
#include "parmanager.h"

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Detailed Description

Manager for the all the Probes.

This class maintains a probe list and manages output files naming.

"Probe" parameters:
Param Type Param Name Default value span or allowed values meaning
StringParameter BaseFileName ./ pathname Where each probe will store its output file. Can be a directory or a prefix. If it's a directory path, the directory must be already there when the simulation will start. It can be system-dependent, i.e., it can be different on Windows, Linux, MacOSX or others (MacOSX and Linux behave the same, indeed)
DETimeParameter StartCollectAt 0 (0,SimulationTime] The probes will start collecting data at this time.

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