probemean.h File Reference

Probe: Measures the long-term $ \overline{x} = E[x]$, $ \overline{x^2} = E^2[x^2]$ and $ \sigma^2 = E[(x-\overline{x})^2] $. More...

#include "probe.h"

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class  ProbeMean
 Measures the long-term $ \overline{x} = E[x]$, $ \overline{x^2} = E^2[x^2]$ and $ \sigma^2 = E[(x-\overline{x})^2] $. More...

Detailed Description

Probe: Measures the long-term $ \overline{x} = E[x]$, $ \overline{x^2} = E^2[x^2]$ and $ \sigma^2 = E[(x-\overline{x})^2] $.

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