NePSing File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
dedebug.h [code]Simulator Debug facilites
dedevice.h [code]Device base class. Any object in the simulation able to use Events, Time, etc. should be derived by DEDevice
deevent.h [code]Events base class. Any event in the simulation must be derived bt DEEvent
dehistogram.h [code]Measures the histogram of the observed values, providing raw data, pdf and CDF
demain.h [code]Main simulation startup code
derandom_time.h [code]Random DETime generator stub classes
desystem.h [code]Simulator engine main class
detime.h [code]Time structure definition and associated methods
gprobemanager.h [code]Manager for the Global Probes creation and distribution
misc.h [code]Miscellaneous conversion and utility functions
parameter.h [code]Definition of the Parameter types
parmanager.h [code]Manager for the all the Parameters
probe.h [code]Base class for the all the Probes
probeband.h [code]Probe: Measures $\sum x / t_a$, where $t_a$ is the actual simulation time
probebandslice.h [code]Probe: Measures $\sum x / (t_a - t_p)$, where $t_a$ is the actual simulation time and $t_p$ is the last stat write time
probehistogram.h [code]Probe: Measures the histogram of the observed values, providing raw data, pdf and CDF
probejitter.h [code]Probe: Measures the jitter of the observed values. See the detailed description for more informations
probemanager.h [code]Manager for the all the Probes
probemean.h [code]Probe: Measures the long-term $ \overline{x} = E[x]$, $ \overline{x^2} = E^2[x^2]$ and $ \sigma^2 = E[(x-\overline{x})^2] $
probeminmax.h [code]Probe: Reports the minimum and the maximum of the observed values
probeslice.h [code]Probe: Measures the $ \overline{x} = E[x]$, $ \overline{x^2} = E^2[x^2]$ and $ \sigma^2 = E[(x-\overline{x})^2] $
rndgen.h [code]Random number generator stub functions and classes

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