misc.h File Reference

Miscellaneous conversion and utility functions. More...

#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>

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template<class T>
string toString (T x)
 Converts a generic value of a generic type to a string.
string replaceAll (string s, string f, string r)
 Replaces all the occurrences of the string f in the string s with the string r.
template<class T>
string className (T *p)
 Returns the name of the class of the parameter as a string. Used to prevent a common bug in some C++ implementations.
unsigned long long int stringToULL (string A, int theRes)
 Converts a number stored as a string to an unsigned long long int representation consistent with the DETime one.

Detailed Description

Miscellaneous conversion and utility functions.

Function Documentation

unsigned long long int stringToULL string  A,
int  theRes

Converts a number stored as a string to an unsigned long long int representation consistent with the DETime one.

This function is used to initialize the DETime struct, as it is impossible to use DETime conversion functions before the DETime setup. It is functionally equivalent to the conversion from a string represented number and the euivalent DETime's ticks.

A  the string to convert.
theRes  the time precision. See DETime for further details.

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