Files | |
file | rndgen.h |
Random number generator stub functions and classes. | |
Classes | |
class | UniformDETimeRndGen |
uniform DETime random generator More... | |
class | ExponentialDETimeRndGen |
exponential DETime random generator More... | |
class | UniformDoubleRndGen |
uniform double random generator More... | |
class | UniformIntRndGen |
uniform long int random generator More... | |
class | ExponentialRndGen |
exponential random generator More... | |
class | GaussianRndGen |
Gaussian random generator. More... | |
class | Geometric0RndGen |
Geometric random generator. More... | |
class | Geometric1RndGen |
Geometric random generator. More... | |
class | ParetoRndGen |
Pareto random generator. More... | |
class | WeibullRndGen |
Weibull random generator. More... | |
class | RayleighRndGen |
Rayleigh random generator. More... | |
Functions | |
void | SetSeed (char *genType, int seed) |
Set the random generator type and the seed. | |
double | rndUniformDouble (double low=0.0, double high=1.0) |
uniform double random generator | |
long int | rndUniformInt (long int low=0, long int high=1) |
uniform long int random generator | |
double | rndExponential (double M) |
exponential random generator | |
double | rndGaussian (double M, double sigma) |
Gaussian random generator. | |
unsigned int | rndGeometric0 (double M) |
Geometric random generator. | |
unsigned int | rndGeometric1 (double M) |
Geometric random generator. | |
long int | rndNegativeBinomial (long r, float p) |
Negative Binomial random generator. | |
double | rndPareto (double location, double shape) |
Pareto random generator. | |
double | rndWeibull (double location, double scale, double shape) |
Weibull random generator. | |
double | rndRayleigh (double sigma) |
Rayleigh random generator. | |
void | rndShuffle (void *vect, size_t size, size_t elem_size) |
Shuffle an array. |
exponential random generator random generation of a double, exponentally distributed
Gaussian random generator. random generation of a double, following a Gaussian distribution
Geometric random generator. random generation of an unsigned int, following a geometric distribution between 0 and infinity
Geometric random generator. random generation of an unsigned int, following a geometric distribution between 1 and infinity
Negative Binomial random generator. random generation of a long int, following a negative binomial distribution with PDF:
Pareto random generator. random generation of a double, following a Pareto distribution with PDF and CDF:
Rayleigh random generator. random generation of a double, following a Rayleigh distribution with PDF and CDF:
Shuffle an array. This function randomly shuffles the order of elem_size objects, each of size size, stored in the array vect[0..n-1].
uniform double random generator random generation of a double, uniformly distributed between [low, high)
uniform long int random generator random generation of a long integer, uniformly distributed between [low, high]
Weibull random generator. random generation of a double, following a Weibull distribution with PDF and CDF:
Set the random generator type and the seed.